Well, I blinked and there went December. I had so much going on this month I haven't even had time to blog. I have however been taking a few photos, or at least PBTB has. Some of these are quite overdue, but we will post anyhow.Here is "W" and Daddy the Sunday before Christmas. I stayed up until 1:30 am finishing his Christmas vest so he could wear it to church the next day. "W" rolled over for the first time on Dec. 17, he's so rolly polly and cute.
Here is Princess Sue on Christmas morning with her new baby. She also got a "dog that pees", she kept telling santa that is what she wanted. I can't believe that she will be three in a couple of months.
On a final note, "W" went to his 4 month appointment on Thurs, Dec 27th. He weighs 18 lb 1 oz and he is 26 1/4 inches. He is in the 95% or above in height and weight. Where did this kid come from?