Friday, January 4, 2008

Old Dog + New Dog = New Tricks

My Dad,the King, is always talking about a certain baby reflex that kicks in when you try and balance your baby in the palm of your hand. PBTB decided to put it to the test. To my terror, with our little "W". My heart skipped a beat the first time he tried, but "W" passed with flying colors and now it is as good as a daily ritual. He stays up for about 15 seconds. (PS don't try this at home, babies can only do this for a few months out of their lives. I would hate to see someone try during the wrong months.)

Here is "W" in mid-roll.

"W" loves books and being read to. When I read to him he turns around and smiles at me after every page. Unfortunately, he also loves the TV and gets that glazed look over his face just like all the other males in the family. Next he'll be fighting for control of the remote.