Friday, May 23, 2008

Fruits of My Labor

As some of you may know, "W" never would breastfeed. I had to pump and bottle feed for 7 months. (Wow, I'm glad that's over.) Anyway, I worked my little tail off freezing lots of extra milk (600 or more ounces, to be specific), so that "W" would still have milk after I was done pumping. Um, well, let's just say he's a picky eater. After all that hard work, he rejected the frozen milk. One taste of formula and that was it. I was so sad. I had worked so hard. And our deep freeze had been overrun. Luckily, I came across someone's name who worked with frozen breastmilk donations. So, here is a picture of the cute little adopted baby who will be receiving my donated breastmilk for the next month or so. One of them, anyway. There is another baby, who will get some, but I don't have a picture of yet.

Isn't she a doll?