Sunday, August 10, 2008

Youth Conference

On Friday, our ward had Youth Conference. It was a 2 day event, but I only volunteered for one day, too much stuff going on. Anyway, in the morning we did a service project at the Boys and Girls Club. We created Olympic Events for the children to compete in. I think that the kids had more fun than we did, but I guess that was the point. After that we had Sister Herron speak on media influence, very interesting. Then we headed down to Happy Valley to hike Timpanogos. I hadn't been to the cave since I was in elementary school. I didn't remember much. It is a beautiful hike and the cave was interesting when I could forget where I was. (a little claustrophobic) I don't recommend it for anyone afraid of heights either. I was just glad to know that I could keep up with the teenage boys, although I am feeling it the last couple of days.