Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Short Stack

I know, I'm such a slacker, I struggle. But, here he is. ET arrived on Monday, April 6th at 1:38 PM. He weighed 4 lb. 13 oz. and measured 19 inches long. Yes, an important date in the eyes of the saints. He is perfectly healthy and we only stayed in the hospital 2 nights. I am absolutely terrified to have a baby this small in my care. I am pretty sure that he has almost died at least 3 times. He sleeps all. the. time., literally. He looks a lot like his big brother, but acts a lot different (likes a binkie, wants to be held, nurses better). I have lots of photos to post, but I will create a make-up post when my internet starts working again.

These were all taken last week, his face is filling out a little more now.