Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas 2009

I've been putting off our Christmas post because I was so disappointed with our pictures, or rather lack thereof. We woke up, I took 2 pics of "W" and the camera battery went dead. Of course I didn't remember to charge the backup mad. Here are a few random pics of the boys in their always to die for christmas jammies, provided by the Yarn Queen (Grandma).

You'll have to use your imagination for their Santa surprise faces. "W" received 3 large dinosaurs, a wooly mammoth, a triceratops, a stegosaurus, a clear backback, some knit pants, a triceratops shirt, and some nesting dolls (warriors).

ET received a hand-turned baseball bat (just like brother got on his 1st Christmas), a laptop, a cement truck, a busy ball popper, knit pants, and a t-shirt.

They shared receiving a Tickle Monster book, an outer space mobile and other fun things for their future bedroom.

More family pics to come.