Saturday, January 30, 2010

ET 9 Months

ET turned 9 months old on the 6th, so I'm almost a month late, these pics were taken on the 11th, though. I wanted to get some more that weren't so impromptu, but you see how far that got me (we'll do organized photos for 10 months?). ET looks a lot like his brother, but he does have his own look. He's not nearly as big as "W" was, so they look alike at ages they were the same size, rather than the same age. He's got these prominent eyebrows that "W" didn't have and he squishes his nose when he laughs hard and has a raspy voice. His head is pretty small and that makes him look a little different. He only has his 2 bottom teeth, maybe more on the way? He doesn't make many word noises, but he took his first steps on the 16th, 9 1/2 months (a month earlier than "W" did.......didn't crawl until 2 months later than "W") He stands freely for about 20 seconds. He's said Momma for a while now (couple of months or more) and he said Daddy for the first time yesterday (29th). I have a hard time convincing his brother it's mean to beat on him because ET won't stop laughing hysterically. His favorite place to be is looking out the sliding glass door and if you can hear motorboat noises, you know he's close. If he can see his cousin, CPK, he's chasing her, pulling her hair and crawling over the top of her. He's been sick for the past month and has not been sleeping well (ear infection). After we got him on an antibiotic he did better for a couple of days, now the antibiotic is upsetting his belly. Hopefully he will be doing better when he finishes his antibiotics.