Tuesday, April 6, 2010


ET is officially one today. We celebrated on Saturday with a motorboat party at the church. There were no hesitations digging into his cake, big surprise. The kid is obsessed with eating. He loved his balloons. He hasn't stopped playing with them.

Some things about ET;
1. he 's sensitive (like his momma), mentally and physically

2. he has already learned to run (easier to get away after you steal toys/food), has been walking for about a month and a half

3. he loves to tease (makes brother squeal and then laughs, usually by pulling hair)

4. never turns down food (I swear he eats 8 meals a day)

5. loves music

6. doesn't "talk" a lot (also like his momma)

7. has a cheeser that can compete with dad and brother

8. totally a momma's boy (until dad comes home)

9. a lover, for no reason at all

10. looks for brother first thing when he wakes up

11. loves balls and cars, but brother has him liking animals too

12. very observant and visual (like his daddy)
13. still blowing raspberries, slightly deterred after getting teeth

14. just 4 teeth

15. so tough playing with a rough older brother

16. LOVES being outside

17. loves to see his cousin, Lulu

18. the worst sippy cup drinker on the planet (don't know if it's the nursing or what)