Monday, June 7, 2010

The Devil Made Me Do It

Life is more crazy than I can handle right now. My boys are full of wild and I am barely hanging on most days. I have a newfound respect for single parents. PBTB is working about 17 hours a day between day job and the house. He's a superhuman and sleeps less than 6 hours every night, sometimes as little as 4. He never takes a day off. The other day "W" asked PBTB...."Daddy, do you want to come play at my house?"

Today, as a distraction technique, I pulled out the sidewalk chalk. ET ate it and "W" roughed ET up for eating it. "W" thinks he is the general and it's his job to keep the babies in line. ET and the CPK get shoved, pulled, or choked to the ground on an hourly basis for doing something they shouldn't. Either that or screamed at or stepped on. Then, before I can say anything he marches his little butt to time out.
ET loves to antagonize and will do anything to get a rise out of his brother. Isn't he a little young for that? Good thing he can already run really fast. If you tell him "no", he gets this devilish grin on his face and does it faster. The worst part of my kids being so naughty is that, a lot of the time, I can't stop laughing, even when I'm fuming. What am I teaching them?! I think that I must be hysterical most of the time.