Monday, March 23, 2009

What's Up Doc?

I hope you can all endure my endless stream of redundancy about Dr. visits and such. Today won't be any different. Today ET had his long anticipated growth US. ET now weighs 4 lb. 8 oz., which is in the 13th percentile, which is better than the less than 10th percentile that he was 3 weeks ago. His head measures 1 week behind, his abdomen measures 4 weeks behind, and his femur measures 3 weeks behind. This may seem strange, but this is what happens when the growth restriction happens later in the pregnancy, it is asymmetrical, meaning the head is larger than the body. The Dr. also noticed that he might be missing an umbilical artery, something that they missed before. His heart is fine, but the umbilical blood flow should have 2 arteries and 1 vein. He may only have one. She said that 1-2% of babies are missing one and that sometimes it restricts their growth and sometimes it doesn't, she also said that it may not be related to the growth restriction at all. Helpful information, eh?
The NST is always an adventure. Today, he was snoozing, so the nurse says to him, "you better wake up or you're gonna get zapped" ET immediately starts in with his accelerations like a good little baby. Except he gets a little carried away and when the nurse came back to check on us, she said he was a little too excited and told us that we couldn't leave until his heartrate dropped back down to normal. So, he calmed down and we were done. So obedient, already.