This restaurant (if you can call it that) was a hit before we even got our food. They had picnic tables set up on sand and the kids just got to play the whole time. (When they weren't attacking PBTB for more crab) There was live music too and it's a good thing because I think we were there for over 2 hours. It's a lot of work for all you can eat crab. (North East, MD)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Crab Shack
Posted by
8:39 PM
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Suite Life
We are having a such a great time. I am so glad we decided to come and that everything fell into place. It is beautiful here and the boys are loving all the Daddy time they could possibly handle. All the things that I was worried about have become for naught. The heat is completely manageable, the people are more friendly than they are where we live, the neighborhood is super clean, the boys are falling asleep just fine for the most part and living in a hotel room is not cleaning, no cooking, no stressing. This may change after a month, but for now, we're living the suite life :) PS probably only mobile uploads until I get home. I don't think I have a way to upload pictures to my laptop from my camera.
Posted by
7:51 PM
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday Harbor
10 years ago, this year, PBTB and I went to the San Juan Islands for our honeymoon. We had the pleasure of returning to Friday Harbor for a friend's wedding a few weekends ago. The wedding was beautiful....out of a fairytale. It was amazing to see what had changed in 10 years and reminisce. (No pics of us at the wedding, what was I thinking?)
Posted by
7:37 AM
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Devil Made Me Do It
Life is more crazy than I can handle right now. My boys are full of wild and I am barely hanging on most days. I have a newfound respect for single parents. PBTB is working about 17 hours a day between day job and the house. He's a superhuman and sleeps less than 6 hours every night, sometimes as little as 4. He never takes a day off. The other day "W" asked PBTB...."Daddy, do you want to come play at my house?"
Posted by
9:35 PM
ET First Words
I waited until "W" was 16 1/2 months before I posted first words, but I'm going to do ET's @ 14 months. It's interesting to compare and see what ET might be saying in a few months.
Thank You
Daisy (Granparents' dog)
(Pretty sure he tries to say drink sometimes, but not very recognizable)
Consistently Catches Balls (for over a month....I can barely get "W" to catch a ball)
Talks on the Phone
Points (a lot of the time to the ceiling or the direction he'd like to go)
Brushes Teeth
Combs Hair
Grabs Anything He Can With Finger & Thumb (crazy fine motor skills)
Blows Kisses
When he eats snacks, he wants one in each fist and one in his mouth, he won't eat the last one in his fist until you offer him more.
He literally runs everywhere he goes and he's a little pigeon-toed (more so on one side than the other....very amusing)
Posted by
12:27 PM